Sunday, September 27, 2009

1st assignment of the year

I decided that for my first project I wanted to make a fictional magazine cover for their ''September issue." I really just wanted to work on whatever design skills I have and just have some fun with it.



Sylvester said...

Rather great, miss

Your blog is always an interesting place to randomly tread through for inspiration.

Lamar Mathurin said...


Frame Theory said...

Nice painting

yezi xue said...

Keyla your stuff is so inspirational! Awesome work!

Erin Schwaner said...

thats impressive

EL Gato Negro said...

Well the portrait came out lovely but the type treatment in my opinion is not so strong. It really doesn't complement you piece. It also feels very timid in use your afraid of loosing some of the portrait. look at flaunt mag beautiful decay, Urb etc those mags use a lot of art for the covers . Hope that helps :)

O C A S I O said...

this is insane, love how you got it all in a few glazes