Monday, July 13, 2009


I started this ink drawing yesterday, and had colors and font in mind, but nothing to promote with it. Today I went ahead and decided I'd make a fictional tour for some bands I like, and this is what I got.



Cateris said...

Hey, you! You've really been kicking butt lately, I love your portraits and your inkwork is stellar.
Awesome :)

Frame Theory said...

Kool color scheme. Typography is pretty good too

John Starr said...

clean. vibrant. beautiful. and the two greatest bands of present day rock and roll.


Keyla Valerio said...

hahah i love you jstarr!

yezi xue said...

Wow Keyla, great stuff on your blog! I never knew you had one!

Daniel Cruit said...

good shit k-dawg

Love this blog